“Visions…” to “HEART Talk”
You Can Hear Us Now--On Our New Internet Radio Talk Show
It is exciting, enlightening and encouraging meeting and interviewing guests for our television Talk Show "Visions For A Child's Heart" (c). It also has become an increasing challenge, time-wise, and financially; and with the wide-spread connections made globally via internet, it’s a stretch geographically, to reach the many wonderful people whose stories and messages we’d love to share on our program.
So until our television broadcasting resources are expanded, allowing us to become nation/world-wide, Ms. E has decided to do a revised version of our former radio talk show Voices For A Child's Heart (c) (which aired locally in 2006,) in a new & improved Internet Radio format, called “HEART Talk” which can be accessed via internet throughout the world!
HEART Talk”Radio (c) like our "Television Program, "Visions For A Child's Heart" , will be dedicated to nurturing and healing the body, mind, and spirit connection of those whose lives impact and are impacted by, foster care, kinship and adoptive placement.
Just some of the initial guests who have been invited and/or confirmed include:
Kevin Brown, Les Brown, Jonathan Burkett, Chris Kazi Rolle, George Fraser, Kandee G, Nakia Lashaul, Shay Oliviarra, Michael Pritchard, Sunday Taylor, Regina Louise, Alfonzo Tucker, Iyanla Vanzant, Kimberly West, and Terrie Williams.
Programming will be live on Wednesday evenings 6-6:30 PM Pacific Time
(8PM Central/9PM Eastern) on Blog Talk Radio.
Interviews will be in 15 and 30-minute segments and will allow room at the end for listener interaction. Stay tuned for detailed information for listening and calling in.
New Interns Join The Team
of "H.E.A.R.T. Work"
Ms. E is excited to announce and welcome the addition of Kimberly Johnson and Aaliyah Muhaimin
to the clinical staff /family of H.E.A.R.T.

Ms. Kim completed her undergraduate work at U.C. Berkeley, and in 2007 received her MA (With Honors) in Counseling Psychology from JF Kennedy University, Specializing in Children & Adolescents .
She has worked as a trainee at the JFK Counseling Centers in Pittsburg and Pleasant Hill,
and Hillview Jr. High School. She has also served as a CASA worker in Alameda County.
Kimberly describes herself as an empathic healer with an ear to hear what’s not being said; and has chosen this work because of her own childhood experiences and the absence of someone to talk to during traumatic times. "I believe every child should have someone to listen to them and validate their experiences. Healing our community one child at a time is my life purpose" says.
Her goals are to build a private practice serving children and adolescents as well as their families; and to create/adapt a Rites of Passage Program to assist our youth in the transition from childhood you adulthood.
With her sense of humor and directness, Ms. E has no doubt that Kimberly will be "on point" and a great asset in working with our youth and families!

Ms. Aaliyah holds AA and AS degrees in Liberal Arts and Science from Laney College, a BA degree in Psychology from Cal State East Bay, and a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology from Argosy University.
She is currently enrolled in the Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership Program at Argosy University.
She describes herself as highly motivated and enthusiastic about her job and the people around her, always striving to increase her knowledge and experience, and an honest and religious person who believes in treating others with respect, She says others generally perceive her as a strong will person who loves challenges and never gives up on her goals and accomplishments.
Aaliyah says she has chosen the field of therapy "to help others through their personal struggles and pain in life, because people all have to go through hard times in life, so why do it alone when you can get help from others?" Her desire is to help others get through whatever it is in life that is bothering them. She states she has always been a sounding board for her friends and family, "so now as a registered Marriage and Family Therapy Intern (MFTI) I can use my education and experience to do what I love".
Her goals and desires within the profession are to work with clients in the areas of relationship issues, overcoming addictions, depressions, and other mental disorders. She plans to be an advocate for self esteem, personality style and life goals development, guiding each client to reach their desired potential and encourage them to strive for what they believe in, never giving up hope. Aaliyah currently works as a Counselor at Laney College, and a counselor and instructor at Solano College.
There's no doubt that Aaliyah's goals and desires are in direct alignment with those of Ms. E and HEART.
Kimberly and Aaliyah will work under the supervision of Ms. E. in providing Individual, Family, and Group counseling services for the youth of HEART and the Continental of Omega's Boys' & Girls' Club.
Referrals are being accepted from throughout the community as well.
To schedule an Intake, call (707) 553-1971.

Heart Highlight
“Butterflies in Fall”
Our current “Heart Highlight” features Ms. Alviena Titus.
“Vina” spent 6 years in foster care, entering when she was 12 years old.
Shortly following completion of High School, Vina experienced the shocking and devastating loss of her foster mom, whom she discovered not breathing upon rising and preparing for her daily activities one morning.
She states that the most challenging time in her life has been being homeless and
the most exciting thing has been enrolling in and attending Napa Valley Junior College.
Two of her most proud achievements have been completing coursework and obtaining
State certification as both a Phlebotomist and Certified Nursing Assistant.
These were made possible in part by scholarships from HEART.
She began the Fall season working one full-time and two part-time jobs, attending college night courses, and taking an online course. Needless to say, Ms. E and HEART are very proud of her!
A relatively quiet person, Vina was literally pleaded with by Ms. E to take and publish this beautiful photo of her holding her certificate. (She forbade us to use one of Ms. E’s favorite ones ) She likes butterflies and Ms. E wants the world to witness one of HEART’s most beautiful butterflies taking flight. If you agree, please let her know. (In other words one might say Ms. E needs you to “have her back”)
Vina’s long term goal is to attend a 4- year university to study Nursing and become a Registered Nurse. Of course financial assistance is needful for tuition, books and living expenses; and she also desires to complete dental work she’s not been able to. Your donations and support will allow Vina to complete her goals and follow her dreams; and HEART to continue to do something special “for a child’s heart”!

♥ SUMMER 2010 ♥
As usual, time has flown by quickly! We are already more than half-way through this year, and with each passing day, week, month and year, both HEART and our "Hearts/Babies" are growing and going forward! The most exciting news thus far this year has been the graduations of our
2010 Graduates!!!
Congratulations Graduates!!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
We are soooo excited for and proud of you for your
Hearts of Excellence in Academic Achievement
Elizabeth Joi DeFreece
Ashford University
Maria Luisa Jimenez
San Francisco State University
Tranesha Smith Jesse Bethel High School
Princess V. Robinson
University of California at Berkeley
Meuy Saelor
California State University at Hayward
National Foster Care Month 2010:
Foster Pride Celebration
Thank you to everyone who came out to support HEART in celebration of the annual Foster Pride Celebration in honor of National Foster Care Month on May 22nd. We had a lot of fun videotaping for our Public Access television program "Visions For A Child's Heart" including a clip for the Oprah Winfrey Network.
Next year's event is scheduled for Saturday, May 21, 2011. Please mark your calendars NOW!
Les Brown Heart of Dreams & Tenacity Award Recipient
This year's award goes to Ms. Kareena Blackmon for her demonstrated strength and determination, despite numerous obstacles, in pursuing her dreams. Kareena is working THREE different jobs while continuing to pursue her educational goal of receiving a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. She is awarded a copy "Choose Your Future" of Les Brown's 6-CD Audio set created and donated by Mr. Les Brown.
With your support we will be able to provide Kareena greatly needed financial assistance in her continued educational endeavors
More Heart Awards:
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The following were named as recipients of the
Pursuit of "Happy Hearts" & Success Award
Diligent Progress in Achieving a Life of Balance & Success:
Jacqueline Brighouse
Kevin Brown
Sade Daniels
Nicholas Graves
Daisy Ann Larkins
Alviena Titus
Marcus Wilson
For their active participation, networking and resourcefulness in behalf of their peers and the foster care community, both
Kareena Blackmon, and Jacquinn Scales
were awarded the
"Don't Miss a (Heart) Beat" Award.
These two truly never miss a beat when it comes to having their hands on the pulse of foster care in America.
Profiles of each of the young people named in this edition will be featured in upcoming newsletters to highlight their continuous endeavors towards success and balance.
Foster Care Alumni of America
Speaking of foster care in America, HEART is proud,
as an Organizational Member, to have hosted the very
first Northern California Region of the California
Chapter of the FCAA on Aril 24th.
On April 28th, HEART and FCAA embers participated in with the Protect our Children Protect our Future Coalition, and numerous other State-wide agencies, in the Take a Foster Youth to the Capitol Kick-off and Press Conference and Assembly Budget Subcommittee Hearing in Sacramento. That was an exciting, informative and heartwarming experience- -even in the rain! (:
On May 6th State Executive Board Officers, Miranda Pond and Diego Rail, and Regional Interim Officers: Chris Brooke, Saul Wasserman, and Ms. E "Heart" Polk were elected.
All transitioning and former foster youth and allies are welcomed to join in making a difference in the lives of former and current foster youth. For additional information about FCAA please go to: www.FCAA.org

H.E.A.R.T. "Represents" in Atlanta
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Ms. Evelyn had the awesome opportunity, along with foster care alumnus, Jacquinn Scales, to attend the State of Georgia's
"Celebration of Excellence" in honor of the academic
achievements of Georgia's foster youth.
In addition to the joy of witnessing the triumphs of our youth, two other highlights were hearing and meeting actress and author Ms.Victoria Rowell (a former foster youth herself);
and MusicEntertainer "Neyo". Ms. E was as excited meeting
the talented young singer and dancer as the youth were! (:
Thank you Jacquinn for even getting a video "shout out" to
Ms.E and HEART from both Neyo and his mom!
For the next three days Jacquinn and Ms. E shared an
exciting and empowering time of networking and with
former foster child and Entrepreneur, Mr. George Fraser and
attendees at the FraserNet Power Networking Conference.
There we heard and met Judge Glenda Hatchett,
T-Boz; and Lisa Nichols, just to name a FEW!
H.E.A.R.T. Around The World
During the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, HEART began collaborations with Haitian native and Vallejo resident Rosemond Louissaint, and his non-profit organization "Brother Helping Brother, Inc." in providing relief to the children and families there. It was Ms. E's intent to travel to Haiti with Mr. Rosemond in March during his second trip following the earthquake, but circumstances and finances did not allow at that time. However, it is still our heart's desire to support and accompany BHH , and we have a great vision for work there in the months to come. Your continued donations and support are greatly needed and welcomed. To learn more about BHB please visit: www.brotherhelpingbrother.org
In February Ms. E and Hearts, Kareena and Alviena attended the African Children's Choir performance in Concord, California. Ms. E had already decided to become a monthly "sponsor" to a child, and together the three decided specifically upon a beautiful little Kenyan girl named Deborah. (Kareena's suggestion for a girl came after having learned during the presentation that girls seldom have the opportunity to attend school in their continent/countries).
We had the awesome opportunity of meeting and taking photos with Deborah, who wants to become a teacher and singer.
HEART has been invited to participate in the development of a program and exchange with children and youth in Vallejo and Bagamoyo, Tanzania, one of Vallejo's six "Sister Cities"
Vallejo "Co-Villagers" Brenda Brumfield (also a foster parent featured in our OWN video clip and Pelton Stewart (a long-time supporter and former board member of HEART) areboth Commissioners instrumental in getting the Charter for the pairing of Vallejo and Bagamoyo, Tanzania. The charter is designated by Sister Cities International, a nonprofit network that creates and strengthens partnerships between the United States and international communities.
Bagamoyo is a city whose name means "broken heart". What better place for HEART to be involved with youth abroad!
Let the healing continue!
. Jacquinn & Ms. E with George Fraser
Ms. E with Victoria Rowell
Already airing on four Pubic Access stations which now cover approximately 15-20 Northern California cities, at the beginning of this year Ms. E's affirmation for "Visions..." was that it would become a nationally- produced/broadcasted television program. Well this Spring, Board Member, Molly Carrasco, phoned Ms. E informing and encouraging her to submit an audition video for Oprah's new Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) search for the next Talk Show Host.
After several weeks of delays in getting the clip edited and posted, and completing the extensive application form, Visions finally became one of literally, thousands of contestants.
We want to thank everyone who gave their votes of support and comments of confidence despite the glitches which prevented many comments from being posted. But "Hold The Vision" because we've only just begun! (:
Visions for A Child's Heart
New Book Release
Following The Signings- - North & South
In May a new HEART Talk publication,
"Meeting Les Brown: Ms. Mamie Brown's Baby Boy"
was released. 60% of the proceeds from this collection
of heartfelt stories by various authauthors compiled
by Ms. E in celebration of the 65th birthday of the
world-renown motivational speaker and former foster
child/adoptee, will benefit the youth of HEART.
Ms. E at Underground Books
Ms.E with Lori Carter, Owner Smiley's Books
On Saturday 6/26 Underground Books
In Sacramento, CA owned by "Mother Rose" mother of former NBA player and current Mayor Kevin Johnson, graciously hosted a beautiful book signing and discussion for Ms. E as she shared from the compilation as well as her self-penned memoir "It's Heart Work: Being The Village That Raises A Child".
Smiley's Book Store in Carson, CA, owned by Lori Carter, welcomed Ms. E to Southern California on Saturday, 7/17. A big heartfelt "thank you" to all who joined us there.
So... this about covers the first half of 2010!
We've already got awesome plans in the makings for this Fall, so keep your eyes, ears,
and heart open!
Your responses and comments are welcomed to encourage our youth (and Ms. E) as we take great effort in making the village a true place of nurturing "for a child's heart"!
Hearts & Blessings!
It's hard to believe it's SPRING already!
We never even got around to telling you
"Happy New Year"
and about all of the wonderful things which
happened in 2009!
It was an incredible year for us!
Ms. E's motto for the year was:
"Watch me shine in 2009"
and with every ray, a greater brilliance of light was shed upon the vision and mission of HEART
A few of the year's highlights included:
This is a new feature of our newsletter which will highlight the endeavors of our transitioning foster youth, allowing you to take a look into the life challenges and triumphs of the young people we support
(Our Hearts :)
This Month's "Heart" is:
Ms. Kareena

My name is Kareena, I’m 21 years old, and I was in the foster care system
for 14 years. Right now I’m living on my own in Vallejo, CA in a studio apartment, where until three months ago I was raising my 18 year old sister and her new born baby. I go to school full time in Martinez and work part time in
Vallejo for a major hotel chain.
One of the most challenging things has been getting to school and work
because I 've had a lot of car problems and a lot of family problems. So one of my greatest achievements has been getting my car fixed before the new semester started. I was able to achieve this by working hard and saving my money.
For the past several months Ms. E has helped me by being my mentor.
She's helped me a lot in dealing with my family problems and everyday life.
My long term goals are getting a Masters degree in Accounting and someday owning an Accounting firm; also having my own scholarship program for
youth who are trying to further their education.
Three three things that would be helpful for me is assistance with reliable transportation, help with enrolling into a good University, and a better paying job.
HEART's Cable Television Program, "Visions For A Child's Heart" was added to the programming of three additional Bay Area stations including San Francisco, Berkeley and Vacaville; and most recently the Public Access Channels
of AT&T throughout Northern and Central California!
Two of "Visions" most exciting guest interview opportunities were those with author, life coach and TV talk show host, Iyanla Vanzant; and the
adoptive mother of R&B Singer Keyshia Cole, Dr. Yvonne Cole!
The May release of Ms. E's book,
"It's Heart Work: Being The Village That Raises A Child"
which opened doors for the message of For A Child's H.E.A.R.T. to be shared at bookstores, radio and television stations, college campuses, and even at Westminster Central Hall in London in the Fall!
An awesome Two-Day Foster Pride celebration included an evening of celebration with motivational speaker, Mr. Les Brown; and a day of financial, nutritional education, personal growth workshops, and a delicious luncheon with our current, transitioning and former foster youth, followed by the energetic, passionate, and inspiring keynote speaker and "edutainer": John Leslie "High Hopes" Brown, Hip Hop Intellectual Going Higher, Helping Other People Everywhere Soar!
One of the most recent honors for HEART has been in becoming an organizational member of the national non-profit organization, Foster Care Alumni of America
We invite and welcome all transitioning and former foster youth to join us in making a difference in the lives of foster youth throughout the nation!
We're Doing it Again in 2010!

HEART is partnering with Brother Helping BrotherHaiti, Inc. to provide care for surviving children and families of the earthquake.
Brothers Helping Brother Haiti Mission Ministry, Inc..Haiti in
a non-profit organization founded by Haitian native
and Vallejo, CA resident, Rosemond Louissaint.
Rosemond has has built and supported a school
and church in Haiti over the past 10 years.
He has recently returned from providing relief work there and is
greatly saddened by the devastation.
Ms. E plans to return with him, along with a team of volunteers, including former foster youth, to provide assistance for the many who are still in need.
If you are interested in traveling and/or making tax-deductible donations please
e-mail us at:
We wish to thank those of you who selected HEART as the recipient of your Employer's Community Giving Campaigns!
Some donors from AT&T and PG&E have supported us year in and year out,
and for that we are truly grateful.
Please tell your co-workers, families and friends about HEART!

A Compilation of heartfelt, inspiring & humorous personal stories about life-changing experiences of meeting and working with the
world's leading motivational speaker.
A portion of the proceeds from sales of this book will benefit HEART in providing scholarships to recipients of the Annual
“Les Brown Heart of Dreams & Tenacity Award”.
Recipients are current, transitioning, and former foster youth who demonstrate a passion for the fulfillment of their dreams. The intent of this award is to not only empower youth and young adults to fulfill their dreams, but to find their voice , to promote healing within their own lives and others as they are
able to share their personal stories throughout the world
Thursday March 29, 2010
Ms. E on "The Awareness Show"
KPFK, 90.7 FM
Los Angeles
Hosted By: - Lisa Garr
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Foster Pride Celebration
(Watch for Details)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Parent Summit: A Youth Advocate's Guide
Solano Community College - Vallejo Campus
Vallejo, CA
These are just a FEW of our many rays of "heartshine"
And the best is yet to come!
Please keep your hearts in beat
with ours and
"Lets do it again in 2010"! *o*